Atlanta Tribune Magazine Review

The Atlanta Tribune Magazine is widely respected for their coverage of African American business in the Southeastern region of the United States, and the blog is no exception. The blog features timely news and features on various business topics that are relevant to this demographic and is consistently updated to reflect the most current information.

Atlanta Tribune Magazine


The Atlanta Tribune prides itself on its commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the business community, which is evident in their blog’s content. They regularly highlight success stories from diverse business owners, and also feature thought-provoking editorial pieces that tackle issues of diversity and inclusion in the business world.


Although the Atlanta Tribune blog is a great resource for those seeking information on African American businesses, it has a few minor shortcomings. One issue is that the blog may not be as user-friendly as some readers would like. Navigating through the site can be a little bit challenging, and some users may have difficulty finding the specific information they need.

Another possible weakness of the blog is that it may have a bit of a regional bias toward the Southeast. Although this regional focus is understandable given the magazine’s mission statement and history, it may not be as valuable to those who are seeking information on African American businesses outside of the Southeast United States.


Overall however, the Atlanta Tribune Blog remains an informative and well-written source of information for business professionals who are interested in African American-owned businesses in the Southeastern United States. We give it…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Atlanta Tribute Magazine?

Atlanta Tribune Magazine is a business lifestyle magazine for African-American entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and professionals. Its mission is to be an authoritative business and lifestyle guide that provides timely, engaging, and relevant news and information to African-American business leaders and professionals in the Atlanta metropolitan area, throughout Georgia, and across the Southeastern United States.

What kind of content can I expect from Atlanta Tribute Magazine?

The magazine highlights success stories from diverse business owners and features thought-provoking editorial pieces that tackle issues of diversity and inclusion in the business world. In addition to business content, Atlanta Tribune also covers lifestyle topics such as wellness, travel, and finance.

Who owns Atlanta Tribute Magazine?

Atlanta Tribune Magazine is owned by H.J. Russell & Company. The late Herman J. Russell founded the publication in 1987 with the goal of promoting and celebrating black entrepreneurship in Atlanta and across the United States.

How often is Atlanta Tribute Magazine Published?

According to their website, Atlanta Tribune Magazine is published eight times a year, with combined issues in June/July and December/January.

How can I advertise in the Atlanta Tribute Magazine?

To advertise in the Atlanta Tribune Magazine, you can visit their website and fill out the form to request a media kit. The kit will include information on advertising rates and guidelines, as well as information on how to submit your ad. They offer various advertising options ranging from full page ads to classifieds, and their rates vary depending on the size and placement of the ad, as well as the frequency of publication. You can also contact their advertising department directly at for more information.

How much does a subscription to Atlanta Tribute Magazine cost?

I’m sorry, I was unable to locate information about the cost of a subscription to Atlanta Tribune Magazine. However, you can visit their website to check out their subscription options, or contact their customer service department at for more information.


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