Savoy Magazine Review

Savoy Magazine is a lifestyle and business magazine tailored towards African Americans. Since its inception in 2004, the magazine has been a valuable source of information for black people who seek to elevate their careers and personal lives. Over the years, Savoy Magazine has expanded its reach through online platforms, including its blog. Here, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of Savoy Magazine’s blog and how it has impacted its readers.

Savoy Magazine


One of Savoy Magazine’s blog’s significant strengths is its consistent posting of engaging and informative articles. The blog covers topics such as lifestyle, finance, and career advice, making it a one-stop-shop for readers looking to improve various aspects of their lives. The articles are well-crafted and based on research, making them informative and reliable. Furthermore, the blog’s content meets the magazine’s overall standards of excellence in terms of providing value to readers.

Another strength of Savoy Magazine’s blog is its engagement with readers. The blog allows readers to comment and react to articles, providing a platform for a dynamic conversation. It also integrates with social media, promoting the sharing of articles on various online platforms. This feature increases readership and encourages more people to engage with the magazine and its content.


However, one of the weaknesses of the blog is its limited scope. While the blog covers various topics, there seem to be gaps in certain areas. For example, the blog does not cover current events or world news. While this might not necessarily be the magazine’s focus, it might limit readership to individuals interested in the specific topics the blog covers.

Another weakness of the blog is its lack of diversity in the writers. The majority of the articles are written by the same people, with little to no variation in perspectives. This lack of diversity in the writers can limit the blog’s potential to engage with a broader audience.


In conclusion, Savoy Magazine’s blog is an exceptional addition to the magazine’s overall presence. Its strengths include consistent posting of engaging articles, reliable and informative content, reader engagement, and integration with social media. However, the blog’s limited scope and lack of diversity in writers pose potential limitations. Nevertheless, Savoy Magazine’s blog remains a valuable resource for black people in pursuit of excellence in various aspects of their lives. We give it a…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Savoy magazine?

Savoy magazine is a quarterly lifestyle magazine catering to upper-middle-class African American professionals. It covers topics such as arts, culture, fashion, travel, and business.

Who owns Savoy magazine?

Savoy magazine was founded by L. Londell McMillan in 2004. As of 2023, the magazine is owned by the Savoy Media Group, Inc.

Who reads Savoy magazine?

Savoy magazine is read by African American professionals who are interested in stylish living and cultural experiences. The magazine has a circulation of over 200,000 and is distributed nationally.

What are some popular features in Savoy magazine?

Some popular features in Savoy magazine include exclusive interviews with influential people in the African American community, travel guides for luxury destinations, and coverage of high-end fashion and accessories.

Where can I find Savoy magazine?

Savoy magazine can be found at major bookstores and newsstands across the country, as well as by subscription on Amazon.

How much does a subscription to Savoy magazine cost?

The cost of a subscription to Savoy magazine varies depending on the duration. An annual subscription costs $20, while a two-year subscription costs $35. Buy now

How would you rate Savoy Magazine’s blog?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…


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